Gàbor Winery
DO Conca de BarberàDiscover unique ecologic wine
Gàbor Celler is a family winery dedicated to the production and marketing of wines in Barberà de la Conca. The young project is passion, tradition and commitment to the elaboration of organic wines. The entire production process is handmade, from the vine to the bottle. Come and discover unique wines.
13 ha
Visits and wine tourism in Gàbor Winery
Arranged visit
10€ / 1h 30′
4 vins
4 mín – 20 màx
Visit vineyard
The wines of the Gàbor Celler Winery
• Arrítmic Negre
• Arrítmic Rosat
• Vi Ull de Llebre Pouet Negre
>> Visit also Celler Pla de la Masó
>> Discover la DO Conca de Barberà
⚠️ Due to COVID-19 visiting hours can be subject to change

C. de la Font, 6 43422 Barberà de la Conca
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