CEOLPE cooperative
The cooperative spirit
Ceolpe is the result of the co-operative spirit that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century and evolved until it included 16 co-operatives from diverse regions with the common goal of offering a top quality oil. The oil commercialised under the Ceolpe brand can be found in any of the different agroshops of the associated co-operatives. ©Enoguia
800.000 L
Oils from the CEOLPE cooperative
• Ceolpe Olive Oil
• El Trull Olive Oil
• El Trull Organic Olive Oil
• Menya Olive Oil
>> Visita també Cooperativa de Salomó
>> Coneix la DO Tarragona
⚠️ Due to COVID-19 visiting hours can be subject to change

Ctra de l'Hostal, s/n 43712 Llorenç del Penedès
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