Vinícola de Sarral – Cava Portell winery
DO Conca de BarberàDiscover a unique building of great architectural value, the work of the architect Pere Domènech i Roura, which has been in operation since 1914. Stroll along the centuries-old tubs, witness to the collective effort of the Sarral peasantry. See how tradition and modernity coexist in a unique space. Try and enjoy Portell wines and cavas produced by Vinícola de Sarral.
1.150 ha
Visits and wine tourism at the Vinícola de Sarral – Cava Portell winery
• To arrange visit
• Saturdays and sundays
Visit + wine tasting: 10 €
• Guided tour and tasting in the Art Noveau winery.
• 3 wines / 1 h.
Visit + wine tasting + aperitive: 20 €
• Discover the history and architecture of Sarral’s ‘Cathedral of Wine’ and end with a special tasting of Portell cavas or wines and cavas made with trepat, a native and unique variety from Conca de Barberà.
• Guided tour and tasting in the Art Noveau winery.
• 6 wines / 1:30 h.
• Monday to saturday: 9 to 13h – 16 to 20h
• Sunday and holidays: 10 to 14h
Wines frim Vinícola de Sarral – Cava Portell winery
• Portell Blanc de Blancs
• Portell Blanc Semidolç
• Portell Macabeu Bòta
• Portell Rosat Trepat
• Portell Rosat Trepat Bòta
• Portell Secrets
• Portell Negre Selecció
• Portell Merlot
• Portell Criança
• Portell Reserva
• Portell Agulla
• Portell Agulla Rosat
• Cava Portell Brut
• Cava Portell Brut Nature
• Cava Portell Semi-sec
• Cava Portell Rosat Brut
• Cava Portell Rosat Semi-sec
• Cava Portell Brut Nature Reserva Vintage
• Cava Portell Gran Reserva Pretignano
• Cava Portell Rosat Brut Nature Sublim
• Cava Portell Parellada
>> Also visit Rosa Maria Torres
>> Discover DO Cava and DO Conca de Barberà
3 reviews
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Visita al celler molt interessant, la guia molt didàctica amb molta experiència sobre el terreny, descoberta dels caves , sobre tot el rosat, excepcional. Hem proveït de vi i cava, hi tornarem.
El millor, sens dubte, són els caves.
Un cava bonissim
Un cava ideal per a regalar, ja el coneixiem però veure on es crea aquest bon cava ens a enamorat.