Melis Priorat winery
DO PrioratPronounced terraces and slate floor
Pronounced terraces and slate earth are the main characteristics you can explore on your visit to the vineyards of the Melis Priorat Winery, situated near Torroja del Priorat, which is in the heart of the region. This winery makes wines that are capable of reflecting the soul and essence of the true Priorat region. ©Enoguia
15.000 4 ha
Visits and wine tourism at the Melis Priorat winery
To arrange visit
5€ / 1h 30′
CA / ES / EN
3 Wines
4 min – 15 max
Visit vineyards
Wines from the Melis Priorat winery
• Elix
• Melix
• Obrador
• Saurí
• Petit Saurí
>> Also visit Sabaté i Mur Vinaters
>> Discover DOQ Priorat
⚠️ Due to COVID-19 visiting hours can be subject to change
de la Balandra, 54 43737 Torroja del Priorat
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