COSELVA cooperative
DO SiuranaFounded in 1900, the co-operative has reached modern times with dynamism and it offers a wide range of quality products under the Antara and Coselva brands. You can visit the old oil press and learn about the production process of this golden liquid and you can even taste its excellent oil. ©Enoguia
400.000 L
Visits and oil tourism at the COSELVA cooperative
To arrange visit
For free / 30′
CA / ES / EN / FR
Product tasting
15 min – 55 max
Oils from the COSELVA cooperative
• Antara Oli d’Oliva
• Raig Oli d’Oliva
• Or Oli d’Oliva
• Greco Sabors del Sud Aromatic Oli d’Oliva
• Picasso Mediterrani Aromatic Oli d’Oliva
• Picasso Herbes del Pirineu Aromatic Oli d’Oliva
• Picasso Mithos Aromatic Oli d’Oliva
• Sajolida Bolet Aromatic Oli d’Oliva
• Greco 44 Trufa Negra Aromatic Oli d’Oliva
>> Also visit l’Avellanera
>> Discover DOP Siurana