Molí de Rué winery

DO Tarragona
Family winery with a centuries-old tradition
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A family-managed winery Molí de Rué with a hundred years of tradition. Currently, the fourth generation is responsible for making its wine and oil. You can enjoy a historic tour of its facilities and take in the old oil presses. They have an agroshop where you can buy the winery’s products and those from the region.

And during the months of May, June, July and August, the winery organizes Riu i Vi, an activity where you can go down the Ebro River in a traditional ‘llagut’ while you do a commented tasting of its wines.

>> Riu i Vi Experience

  5.000     2.000 L     12 ha

Visits and wine tourism at the Molí de Rué winery

  To arrange visit
  5€ / 1h 30′
  CA / ES / EN
   4 Wines
  1 min – 25 max
 Visit vineyards

Wines and oils from the Molí de Rué winery

• Mims Blanc
• Mims Rosat
• Mims Negre
• Sol i Serena
• Molí de Pedra Olive Oil

>> Visit also Vins i Olis Suñer
>> Discover DO Tarragona

2 reviews

  1. Un encert!

    Vaig conèixer el vi Sol i Serena a la Rambla i us he de dir que es de lo milloret. Un encert!

  2. Cercana y amable

    Lo mejor de la visita es la cercanía de la chica que nos la hizo. Sorry, no recuerdo su nombre.

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⚠️ Due to COVID-19 visiting hours can be subject to change
dels Portellets, s/n 43792 Vinebre
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