Cava Magrinyà Calaf winery
DO CavaThe inheritance of a saga of grape growers
Discover the legacy of a true dynasty of winemakers that goes back over 200 years. Let the family tell you about the secrets that go into the production of cava and wines that are the fruit of discipline, patience and a striving for excellence. Bring your visit to a pleasant conclusion by dining at the Coll de Nulles restaurant, which is inside the winery Cava Magrinyà Calaf. ©Enoguia
24 ha
Visits and wine tourism at the Cava Magrinyà Calaf winery
• To arrange visit
• Visit vineyards + visit cellar
• Tasting 2 cavas + 2 wines: 8€
CA / ES / EN / FR
2 min – 30 max
Visita viñas
Cavas from the Cava Magrinyà Calaf winery
• Cava MC Brut Nature
• Cava MC Reserva
• Cava MC Rosado
• Vi Burnat Blanc
• Vi Burnat Rosat
• Vi Burnat Negre
• Vi Burnat Criança
>> Visit also Cava Vives Ambròs
>> Discover DO Cava
2 reviews
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⚠️ Due to COVID-19 visiting hours can be subject to change

Ctra Tarragona al Pont d'Armentera, km 16 43887 Nulles
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Muy interesante descubrir lso cavas de esta zona1
Comiendo en el restaurante tienes la visita gratis.
De ruta por la zona después de toda la mañana entreviñas, llegar al restaurante Colld Nulles fue muy gratificante. El trato y la comida, así como el precio, todo correctísimo