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DO Conca de Barberà

Conca de Barberà Designation of Origin

Visit DO Conca de Barberà wineries

Check out all the DO Conca de Barberà wineries that you can visit.


Visit DO Conca de Barberà wineries: they will surprise you

If what you want is to visit wineries in Conca de Barberà, here you can find a list of the best wineries for wine tourism.

You can visit family wineries, cooperative wineries, wine cathedrals, wineries among vineyards…

It is a denomination that is becoming more and more consolidated and has more future projection, thanks above all to an important differentiating element that is the native variety of red grape: Trepat.

Trepat provides the DO Conca de Barberà wines with good acidity, freshness and fruity notes and gives their wines a unique character that you can discover by visiting any of the Conca de Barberà wineries that we suggest.

Also visiting its wineries, you will get to know a territory that has extremely important heritage elements such as the Monastery of Poblet and the ducal town of Montblanc. The headquarters of the Conca de Barberà designation of origin is housed within its walls.

The well-known ‘Cathedrals of Wine’ deserve special mention, which are authentic jewels of modernism made by the disciples of Antoni Gaudí.

Do you dare to visit the wineries of Conca de Barberà?


Data on the DO Conca de Barberà

White varieties

Red varieties


Get inspired by our wine tourism proposals


We know the entire Conca de Barberà region perfectly and we have selected a series of experiences so that you can get to know this part of the province of Tarragona in depth.

Come and discover the most spectacular corners of the Conca de Barberà DO, such as the Poblet Monastery or the medieval town of Montblanc… and also the lesser-known places.

Experiences in Conca de Barberà

The Conca de Barberà is one of the most unknown areas of the province of Tarragona and you will be surprised by everything you can do and see in this region.

Do you want a list? Take note: Cistercian Route, The wine cathedrals, the forests of Poblet, charming towns, family activities…

Discover all the experiences that we have prepared for you to enjoy while you discover a territory full of surprises.

Trepat: you have never tasted anything like it

The Trepat variety is a native grape from Conca de Barberà, and we say native because it seems that almost all the production of this variety occurs practically in the Conca de Barberà region.

Gone are the times when native varieties were vilified compared to foreign ones, and since 2004, various wineries have decided to recover a variety that allows them to produce wines and cavas that will surprise you.

But… What is Trepat like? 

It is a variety of red grape that allows us to make fruity wines that are fresh and delicate at the same time. A unique variety that stands out from other grapes.

And the most curious thing about this variety is in your nose and mouth. When you try a Trepat, try to discover its spicy notes, try to look for the aromas of pepper, cloves, bay leaf or cinnamon… in the Trepat these aromas are the protagonists.

Do you notice these aromas?

Choose a winery and come discover them.

Come and discover 'The Trepat Route'

  • With the Trepat Route you can discover the Conca de Barberà region at your own pace and without rushing, while you visit its wineries and discover this native variety.

The Trepat Route

The Trepat RouteWith the Trepat Route you can visit the 13 wineries registered on the route and if you visit three wineries on the route, you will win 2 bottles of Trepat wine.
Discover the wineries that participate in the Trepat Route:
And you can also discover the Trepat route with children since many wineries do activities for them.

Visit wineries in Conca de Barberà

Check out all the wineries in Conca de Barberà that you can visit

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