Celler Pasanau winery

DO Priorat
A family winery at the foot of the Montsant mountains
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The Pasanau family has been cultivating the vineyards at the foothills of the Montsant mountain range, within the priory of Scala Dei, for centuries. In 1995, they built the current winery and began to make their own wines. During a tour here you will enjoy a short walk through the vineyards, after which you will learn about the winery and finish with a wine tasting. ©Enoguia

  30.000     150 L     15 ha

Visits and wine tourism at the Celler Pasanau winery

  To arrange visit
  20€ / 1h30′
  CA / ES / EN / FR
    5 wines
  2 min – 12 max
  Visit vineyards

Wines from the Celler Pasanau winery

• Ceps Nous
• Vi de Vila La Morera de Montsant
• Vi de Vila de Poboleda
• Vi de Paratge Los Torrents
• Finca La Planeta
• El Vell Coster
• Les Myriams Blanc

For anyone interested in finding unique wines in a quiet town surrounded by nature, Celler Pasanau is the ideal place.

It is a small family winery located in La Morera de Montsant, in the DOQ Priorat region, and is known for making unique wines with great personality. A day of wine tourism here is ideal for learning the secrets of winemaking.

The winery was founded in 1995, adding value to the vineyards that the family already owned, some of them more than 100 years old. The winery quickly gained international renown thanks to the good reviews it received from Robert Parker, the famous wine critic, and its positive recognition in the American magazine Wine Spectator.

The family’s winemaking history dates back to the 14th century, when they began cultivating vineyards in Scala Dei, which was under the custody of the Carthusian monastery. In the 20th century, phylloxera destroyed all the family’s vineyards, and they had to move to the city in order to make a living. Many years later, they returned to the countryside and replanted the vineyard, acquiring new estates and introducing new varieties of vines and new cultivation systems that modernized the winemaking process.

In 1995, the Pasanau brothers built the current winery. Since then, they have tripled the production that comes from their 15 hectares of planted vineyards. Currently, 80% of the production is destined for foreign markets.

The village of La Morera de Montsant is located in the upper reaches of the Priorat region, at the foot of the Serra del Montsant. The predominant varieties in the municipality are garnatxa, cariñena and Cabernet Sauvignon. The area is known for having different types of terroir, as you can find some areas where the soil is rocky and sandy, and other areas where the soil is composed of llicorella slate. The winery is located in a difficult-to-access stretch with a complex orography, and is influenced by an inland Mediterranean climate.

The vineyard is cultivated mechanically, using organic products. Each vine and each variety is processed and aged separately. Celler Pasanau prioritizes sustainability in the vineyard, preferring minimal intervention and avoiding chemicals or pesticides.

An experience of wine tourism in Celler Pasanau includes a guided tour of their La Planeta estate. The visit continues in the winery where you will learn about the process of winemaking and elaboration.

The ageing room is located in a nearby building and, after visiting it, you will taste the wines in the same cellar or, if there is a large group, more comfortably in the nearby Hotel Balcó del Priorat.

The day can be rounded off by hiking along one of the many routes within the Serra del Montsant range.

Experience enotourism in Celler Pasanau and enjoy the warm and exclusive treatment that is characteristic of family wineries.

>> Hiking Route La Serra Major del Montsant
>> Discover DOQ Priorat

3 reviews

  1. El celler està situat al poble de la Morera de Montsant,que és preciós.Vam fer la visita un dia que vam poder veure com entraven el raïm acabat de collir i vam poder parlar amb els joves que treballen a les vinyes i a la bodega.
    Va ser molt entranyable i emocionant.
    Els vins,boníssims i d’una qualitat extraordinària .
    Una visita molt recomanable amb la Júlia d’amfitrió, enamorada de la feina i de l’entorn .

  2. El celler es troba en un paratge privilegiat,Morera del Montsant , des d’on hi ha vistes panoràmiques de part del Priorat.

    És un celler familiar per tant el tracte és molt proper, les instal.lacions són petites i la producció artesanal.

    L’equip d’en Ricard és molt acollidor i proper, fuig de la formalitat de les visites guiades d’altres celllers, per nosaltres molt positiu.

    Els vins ens han semblat fantàstics, també el blanc, que té poca producció i és molt especial.

    Els negres són tant bons que costa escollir. La qualitat -preu pensem que també està molt bé.

    Us recomanem que us apropeu a aques poblet amb molt d’encant i no deixeu de visitar el celler Pasanau.

  3. La bodega se encuentra situada en la falta de la Serra del mMontsant y las vistas son impresionantes… y esto solo es el primer plato, luego la visita a la bodega, la sala de tinas y posteriormente otro edificio con las barricas es muy interesante.
    Finalmente los vinos están a la altura de las espectativas… vinos delicados a la vez que con carácter.
    nuestro anfitrión Ricard, paciente y atento en todo momento. Aprendimos mucho de él.

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⚠️ Due to COVID-19 visiting hours can be subject to change
La Bassa, s/n 43361 La Morera del Montsant
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