Estol Verd winery

DO Tarragona
Manual grape harvest & small wine productions
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Estol Verd is a project by Sara and Gerard. In their winery they produce organic wines using their own vineyards. They offer an enotourism activity called Orien-tast, which combines hiking with new technologies and wine tasting. The experience involves finding bottles of wine hidden among the vines and tasting them right there.

10.000     3.000 L     50 ha

Visits and wine tourism at the Estol Verd winery

  To arrange visit
  6 € / 1:30 h
  CA / ES / EN
   3 Wines
  2 min – 15 max
  Visit vineyards

Wines and olive oils from the Estol Verd winery

• Glup 400
• Nyec
• Ros
• Rosset
• Sumoll
• Tatxam
• Zub-Zub!
• 70-30
• La Taca Oli d’Oliva

The winery Estol Verd was founded in 2014 when Sara and Gerard decided to empty their garage and create a winery, or rather a micro-cellar. Both of them had worked in agriculture and viticulture before, but they now began to vinify, taking charge of the whole winemaking and selling process, from cultivating the vineyard to marketing the bottles.

Their winery is characterized by its strict adherence to values of sustainability and a respect for nature that manifests in the wines. They make organic wines that almost classify as ‘natural wines’, since they perform manual harvesting and do not use added yeasts, but rely on spontaneous fermentation generated by the yeasts of the grape itself. Their red wines are not filtered and the white and rosé wines are only gently filtered, thus retaining all their aromas.

All the characteristics highlighted above are characteristics of natural wines, but at the end of the vinification process they add a very low dose of sulphur dioxide.

Wine tourism in this micro-winery allows you to understand how to make the most of limited space. You will see where the grapes are received, how they are processed and vinified, and finally bottled and labeled manually.

The winery makes eight different types of wine, carrying out micro-vinifications. Some of the wines in the range are briefly aged in old wine presses that have been perfectly restored.

Being a young winery, they have taken the bold step of giving their wines unusual monosyllabic and onomatopoeic names. This is one of the ways in which they seek to differentiate themselves and stand out from the enormous range of wines on the market: by making wines aimed at young people.

The other way is through the winery’s star activity, Orien-Tast, a group enotourism experience that combines wine with hiking and nature.

The first step is to download the Orien-Tast application (which is free) and choose one of the routes through the estates of Estol Verd, where you will look for various hidden wines. Once you find them, you can taste them and will be asked a few easy questions related to the wine in the same app. This is a fun way for you to self-assess your wine tasting skills. Kids can also participate in the search, where they will find little treasures just for them.

The activity offers three different routes with different difficulty levels: The Sumoll Route is 3 km (2.5 hours), the Syrah Route and Xarel·lo Route are 2 km each (2 hours).

The Orien-Tast experience is a great way for wine lovers (whether you have experience or are a beginner) to participate in an outdoor activity in lovely natural surroundings, among the vineyards of Rodonyà or Les Pobles.


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5 reviews

  1. Molt bona gent, molt bon plan , bon paissatge i millors vins.

  2. Va ser una diada força amena i original. Yo per mi, tornaria
    Gracies per esta diada

    I per cert e oli molt bo

  3. Una manera diferent de fer el tast, descobrint els vins a través d una petita ruta. Agradable.

  4. Original i divertida activitat apta per a tots els públics, una app et permet localitzar vins a l’entorn del poble i de manera senzilla introduir-te al món del vi. Ens va atendre la Sara, tot amabilitat

  5. Gente joven con vinos fáciles, sin complicaciones. Vinos sinceros y naturales. Bodega de garaje, pequeña pero interesante.

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Nou, 11 43812 Rodonyà
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