Clos Pachem winery

Biodynamic viticulture
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Our winery, located in Gratallops, a village at the heart of the DOQ Priorat, consolidates accurately our aims at clos Pachem: to produce great wines in a scrupulously environmentally friendly way. Listen to the land, embrace the diverse climate, treat the vineyard respectfully, and make thrilling wines.

Carignan and Grenache, both paired by the land’s history, its people and our dedication to biodynamic farming. We are passionate about the Priorat: the hills both rugged and tender, the openness of its people and their culture. Live lands yield vibrant wines.

Our team evolves around common values and a high spirited energy, while honouring our natural resources. The winery’s sustainable architecture, built with natural and lasting materials, merges  with the local environment.

  30.000     6 hect

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Visits and wine tourism at the Clos Pachem winery

  CA / ES / EN / FR
  To arrange visit

The Clos Pachem visit
A must for those sensitive to sustainability, wine and architecture.
    Visit + 2 wines
 17€ / 1h 30′ approximately
  10 máx.

The Founder visit: You will get to know the Michel Grupper Project, the founder of Clos Pachem, his endearment for sustainability, the wine and the legacy for future generations.

    Visit + 4 wines
  25€ / 2h
  10 máx.

The Planassos Visit: In Clos Pachem we know that there is no wine without land, without landscape and without loving hands tending the vineyard.
    Visit Planassos + 4 wines
  38€ / 2h 30′
  4 máx.

Artisan cheese and local cured sausage tasting.
PICaPICa can be booked prior or during the visit.

Unique Private and Working experiences
The unique character of our cellar, its terraces and the natural light, converts the space in an ideal venue, almost mystical where all types of special events can be held. We will be thrilled to design and support your unique private and working experience.

>> Also visit Clos Figueras
>> Discover DOC Priorat

3 reviews

  1. Ens va sorprendre molt l’arquitectura del celler, tot i que ens va agradar molt. Surt dels típics cellers. La noia que ens va fer de guia es veia molt implicada en el projecte. Els vins fantàstics!!!!

  2. L’edifici, molt interessant arquitectònicament, i el guia, en Jordi Jiménez, tot i que era improvisat, perquè el habitual estava de vacances, ens va tractar superbé i vam compartir amb ell tot el matí i un parell d’ampolles d’excelent vi.
    Gràcies Enoguia per una recomanació tan encertada!

  3. Amazing wines!

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⚠️ Due to COVID-19 visiting hours can be subject to change
Carrer de la Font 1, 43737 Gratallops
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